Something new?
december 30th, 2010
I figured it was time to throw up a little post about a latest project the Smokescreen boys are working on. Lead singer Gus and guitarist Luke, the brothers Holwerda, are working currently working on a feature film called "Intersect". It is a time-travel, sci-fi, mystery involving a group of scientist that create a black hole machine that allows for time travel. What happens next? You should probably check it out. Go HERE now!
New Times album review
october 1st, 2008

Check out the Phoenix New Times online blog Up
On The Sun for an album review of "Slightly Confusing
To A Stranger".
here to go check it out!
CD Release Party
posted september 19th, 2008
Saturday 10.04.08
is the night of the CD release party @ Chasers!! I want
all our AZ friends out there! We've got some kick ass bands
with us that night: The
Attitude and Thousand
Yard Stare!
Come out and support local music! And take a CD!
All the details.
The Slightly Confusing CD Release Party
posted august 4th, 2008
A date has
been posted for the official release of "Slightly Confusing
To A Stranger"...after a long hiatus, we are ready
to play! Come join us on Saturday, October 4th, at our long
time home...Chasers in Scottsdale. We hope for it to be
a special evening for everyone involved.
More details will be posted here.
Free CDs in the mail
april 22nd, 2008
new album is now available for shipping. FREE. Go here
for more details.
We have recieved a massive influx of CD requests! We are
happy to send them all, but we are a little backed up at
the moment. We are still sending them, but they will take
longer than we expected. Shipping prices have risen since
the last large batch of orders, so we are now asking for
donations to our paypal account:
Any donations recieved will be put right back into sending
more CDs. Help us keep it free! Or as close to free as possible!
Our music, this page, and the distribution of our CDs has
been completely independent. If you like what you hear,
feel free to make a donation...a nickel, a quarter, a dollar...
every little bit helps keep the happy dream alive.
As always, all our music is available free to download on
our music
Thank you to everyone who has ordered already!
Smokescreen on XM Radio!
january 16th, 2008
Smokescreen is going to be featured on XM Radio's "Radar
Report" below and please tune in!
The RADAR REPORT is a special feature highlighting our
most notable bands each week. XM RADiO will be featuring
Smokescreen music (Thursday – January 17th, 2007)
on the R>A>D>A>R REPORT at 10pm ET. (7pm Arizonians!)
The Radar Report re-airs every Friday at 2pm ET and Saturday
at 6am ET. Thus, Smokescreen music will be featured three
The show airs on: XMU, XM RADIO Channel 43, XM RADIO Online,
Direct TV Channel 831 and on AOL
XMU, XM 43, is located on XM SATELLiTE RADiO in the United
States and Canada:
Fans can tune in on Thursday night with a free account
to hear Smokescreen on the show! When you sign up for the
free acount, you can listen for several days for free with
no credit cards. All you need is an email address. Here's
the link:
If you would like to sign up, you can use the Friends and
Family Plan: and simply use Billy's
email address -
This is a weekly show that airs for about an hour every
Thursday night. Many people in the industry either listen
to this show or check out the visual version of the Report
(link below). Smokescreen is 1 of just 13 bands that is
being featured this week.
You can View the Report here:
SCTAS hard copies
now ready!
november 28th, 2007
CD hardcopies of "Slightly Confusing To A Stranger"
are ready! They came out looking perfect! Something really
snappy for the mantle. An 8-panel Digi-pak, with full lyrics,
liner notes, and a snappy LARGE band photo! I spent a good
few hours just staring at the packaging! Time to get yours!!!
Stay tuned for more details on how to get yours and the
date of the crazy CD release show!! - Luke
Radio show download
november 27th, 2007
You can
download the podcast of the Forbidden Radio show that we
appeared on. "The Lobotomy Song" was featured,
and then Gus and I called in for a short phone Q&A.
Click the link below for all the good fun! - Luke
Podcast - click
Forbidden Radio page - click
Smokescreen on Forbidden Radio
october 19th, 2007

Exciting news! we were just notified that we have been selected
to have our music appear on FORBIDDEN RADIO! You know Forbidden
aka Christine Dolce, as the most popular person on myspace.
She now hosts her own radio show on dedicated
to discovering and supporting unsigned musicians! We are
very excited to be selected! We will be appearing on THIS
WEEK's show, on tuesday 10/23 at 5pm. We are also currently
scheduling a call into the show, with an on-air interview.
more news on that to follow shortly, click the image to
check out the show! Keep an eye here and on our myspace
for more details.
Web updates
october 19th, 2007
out there, new page...I'm working on updating with more
content, should have photos today, and am looking for a
player for our music page...something so you can sample
the tunes. and more. stay tuned.
New album online now!
october 10th, 2007

'Slightly Confusing To A Stranger' is done, online, and
ready for your mp3 player! Coincidentally, the same release
date as the landmark
'In Rainbows' by Radiohead.
V isit the music
section, take it, take it, take it!
S hare it.
Enjoy it! - Luke
Slightly Confusing to a Stranger
october 9th, 2007
new album is finally done! Just before “chinese democracy”!
I ts sitting at the printers...we are on pins and needles.
T he huge CD release show is currently being booked.
M ore on that soon.
W e cant wait to get it out there!
N ew tracks up soon.
E njoy! - Luke
Track listing
01 - rise
02 - the lobotomy song
03 - crash test idiot
04 - antiarrhythmic
05 - commercial 1.0
06 - bats in the belfry
07 - worrynerve
08 - drain
09 - left
10 - E5M
11 - hello fear
New Web Site
posted october 9th, 2007
Welcome to the new
smokescreen page. Poke around. Look for the clues. We will
eventually post an archive news section, probably - Luke